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Jura C-D-E-F-S-X Brew Group Repair Kit & Key
Jura C-D-E-F-S-X Brew Group Repair Kit & Key | Jura Error 8 Fix
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Description Includes

Jura C-D-E-F-S-X Brew Group Kit & Oval Head Key

This Brew Group Repair Kit contains the necessary O-Rings and Gaskets to refurbish the Brew Group. The 2 largest red O-Rings are for the upper and lower Pistons. The 2 thin black O-Rings fit onto the Riser Tube. The 2 blue O-Rings are used for Pressure Hose connections. 1 will be used for the Angled Drain Valve Connector. The other O-Ring is used for Pressure Hose connections from the Riser Tube, such as the C-F Connector. Not every model will use the second blue O-Ring.

The remaining O-Rings and Gaskets are located in the Drain Valve of the Brew Group. The red Nut Seals are located at opposite ends of the Drain Valve. The 2 thicker black O-Rings provide the seal for the Fluid Nipple and Angled Connection. The remaining thin black O-Ring is located at the top of the Fluid Nipple. We recommend adding the Metal Cap for the Drain Valve.

Model Line: Model: Model Number:
Jura Capresso-Impressa C-Line: C5 - C9 - C50 - C55 - C60 - C65 - C70 - C90 13531 - 13422 - 13452 - 13681 - 13739 - 15006 - 15068
Jura D-Line: D6 - D60 15216 - 15199
Jura Capresso-Impressa E-Line: E5 - E8 - E9 - E10 - E20 - E25 - E30 - E40 - E45 - E50 - E55 - E60 - E65 - E70 - E74 - E75 - E80 - E85 13187 - 13204
Jura Capresso-Impressa F-Line: F5 - F7 - F8 - F9 - F50 - F55 - F70 - F90 - XF50 - XF70 13185 - 13412 - 13345 - 13413 - 13171 - 13188 - 13684 - 15005 - 15065 - 13273
Jura Capresso-Impressa S-Line: S7 Avantgarde - S7 - S8 - S9 - S9 Avantgarde - S9 One Touch - S50 - S55 - S70 - S75 - S85 - S90 - S95 13289 - 13179 - 13180 - 13936 - 13215 - 13423 - 13674
Jura Capresso-Impressa X-Line: X30 - X70 - X90 - X95 - XS9 - XS90 - XS95 - XS90 One Touch - XS95 One Touch 12952 - 13318 - 13429
Jura Capresso Impressa Brew Group Repair | Error 8

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